Marty's Travels

My house has wheels


My normal travel is to head south this time of year. When the virus hit in March, I put off any decision-making until Sep 1. So here I am: The virus is a big question mark. I am in a very safe place here on the northern Olympic Peninsula, but it's unclear what the situation is or will be both along my route as well as any destination. Lockdowns and such might interfere with my plans, and I've got to consider that I might catch the virus in a...

Legalization on the November Ballot

Four states have cannabis legalization questions on the ballot this fall: Arizona Arizona has the most robust and successful medical marijuana program in the nation, and polls suggest the initiative will pass this year. Given the way the medical system is built, it will be almost an instantaneous switch to full legalization once it passes. Montana Voters have two questions to decide: One is a constitutional amendment to set the legal age for...

Legal and Illegal States

Activity on the cannabis status has been slowed considerably by the virus as regulatory agencies reinvent how they do work, and electioneering efforts ground to a halt. But activity has recently picked up so I expect I'll be commenting on things more frequently. I assembled a couple of lists of the basics as an overview of the present situation: All of the legal states achieved legalized marijuana for use by any adult via voter-approved...

Seattle 2

The goons came into town, fired up the protestors, got their video footage (they brought along Fox for this) and then packed up and left. Seems like overkill to me, but it is election season. Looks like they're retreating from Portland, too, which will help get things back together there as well. Keep in mind that almost all of those charged with crimes will be released, and those arrested will be awarded with money. All of the cops involved in...


Things worked out so well in Portland for the dumbshit, he flew in some more goons last night to Seattle. It's been completely quiet here for a few weeks, but it looks like a welcoming party is being assembled for the weekend. The honor guard leading the welcome ceremony for the federal goons (do they have an official name?) is the ACLU, the State Attorney General, the Seattle Attorney, and an assortment of contract lawyers and elected...


The trumpskis would hate how we vote in Washington state. Not only is the election done entirely by mail, the primary is a "top two" vote whereby the top two vote getters go on to the general without regard to party affiliation. Out here in Jefferson county, that means few, if any, republicans have much of a chance of winning. But I recommend being careful because some candidates try to pass as "independents" when they're really republicans....

My local pot shops

There are nine pot shops nearby where I am in Chimacum, and a few are quite nice, even unique: This is Chimacum Cannabis, the closest store to me. It's a remodeled farm house (on a historical register) in what we call "downtown Chimacum". The owner likewise remodeled a neighboring house as a cannabis-friendly B&B. Discovery Bay Cannabis is in an old train that used to run in these parts but was abandoned. It's been a restaurant and ice...

High from Seattle

I got a haircut the other day. And I'm not in Seattle, just nearby. If I have any readers that rely on Fox for their TV news (I hope not), Seattle is not falling under the control of the mythical antifa. It is real life Seattleites living on Capitol Hill that took over the police precinct after the cops realized they were outnumbered and left it. The antifa thing is really interesting. A family on excursion in their old school bus in Forks...

25 45

Now, I know my radical christian friends actually think Dear leader is a man of faith, but for those gobsmacked by his recent theatrics in front of the church don't miss Sarah Cooper's take on his thinking. Anywhere on social media. Isn't there even a single mature person in the WH that can tell him he's doing really stupid things?

PT Opening

Port Townsend opened up today. Retail is open, with limits, and restaurants have severe limits. The idea is to not attract tourists into a tourist town. Most important was my barber shop was open and I made an appointment for next week. There were sails on the bay today, something I haven't seen this year. It was tough to find a parking place downtown. The Port called me to cancel my reservation at the RV park on Point Hudson, which I expected...