Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

It’s a lot of work around here

I replaced the winch on my boat trailer the other day, a job made much easier having the auto/machine shop here in the park. No idea where the tools are stored, but I’ll learn, I’m sure. Of course, with so many hands into the tools, stuff floats around a lot. Took me a while to find a 1/2 drive deep 12-point 9/16 socket, for instance. But it was there.

Likewise the wood shop, which is very impressively equipped. And no matter what you are doing, there is a steady stream of experts coming by to entertain or offer valuable advice. Which is sometimes quite appreciated.

Today was work day, and I ended up on the crew pulling out “bad” plants and trees. We have a John Deere tractor with attachments, and with about 12 guys with nothing better to do with their time, things get done.

As the newbie on the work crew, I get sent off to fetch tools and such, but I’m always alert to the almost guaranteed request for the chain stretcher or whatever. I know it’s coming.

Tomorrow I need to get a pair of tires for the boat trailer. Not even a used tire shop in El Paso would want the pair that’s there, and I’ll be holding my breath for the ten mile drive to the tire store.