Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Now, that was a storm

I responsibly kept the weather alerts on all day as the storm passed through. This meant the alerts came on every 5 or 10 minutes, driving me crazy. But, I couldn’t ignore them because this was a tornado storm. Tornado warnings are still up for south of here, but for now it’s quite calm where I am.

There was lots of rain, and lightning, but the winds were light. My solar panels turned off at 11:15, the street lights came on, and we didn’t see any light until about 2. Tornado skies.

The forecast says the weather won’t let up until Wednesday, but I’m thinking they’ll change that. I’m not moving until it’s clear ahead, preferably to the south.

2 thoughts on “Now, that was a storm

    1. It looks like there’s no place to go, all directions are bad for two more days.

      You guys better keep a sharp eye, too.

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