Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Whare Ya From?

That’s the most asked question a fulltimer gets. And the most difficult to answer. Well, I just came from Tucson. “Seattle” is usually the most satisfying (?) answer, likely because it places me as a radical lefty socialist not worth talking to anymore.

A variation on the question is when someone makes an assumption and asks “Where in Texas are ya from?” I have used a variety of answers, from “I’m a paper Texan” to “Livingston” to “East of Houston, North of Beaumont”.

Today I was accosted by a neighbor wanting to know ware in Texas I was from, as I was loading my cold and frozens from the grocery into my rig. “Paper Texan” didn’t satisfy him, he was based in Texas during “the war” and wanted to talk about it. The Vietnam War, which I know means a lot to him, but not the same to me. Striking up a friendly conversation by attempting to exchange old war stories with me is a pretty useless proposition.

Quartzsite tomorrow. Not far at all.