Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

A Recommendation

If you have an interest in wooden boats, I recommend looking at the Sampson Boat Co. channel on YouTube. The most recent episode, 100, was posted last week and provides a grand overview of this boat restoration project. As a summary, Leo from the UK rescued an old wooden sailing boat from rotting away in Brookings, OR, and took it to nearby Sequim, WA for rebuilding. After a few years, the neighbors complained about the project and the county directed him to move his operation. Very soon he will comply and bring the boat to Port Townsend.

I just returned from Sequim after doing a drive-by to see what the dispute was. It sure doesn’t look bad to me, the boat itself is visible from the road but that’s no worse than a lot stuff in this rural residential area. Traffic on a shared one-lane road/driveway might be a hassle though.

When it does come to PT it will be a big deal, given the impact of the wooden boat building and repair industry it’s known for.

The videos are amazing. Start at episode 1 to get the whole story.