Marty's Travels

My house has wheels


Winnemucca, NV is always a stop for me, whether for a night or for a week. One night this time.

The SE Oregon deserts are desolate and isolated, but the road is a great one for eating up miles with the least effort. Save the road itself, there are few signs in places that humans even exist. Plan your fuel stops carefully if you’re looking at this route.

Speaking of fuel, I got 8 mpg with my old truck pulling under typical conditions. It’s looking like the new truck is getting 12 mpg, a substantial improvement. Performance-wise, I have yet to encounter a situation where the old truck did better. The new engine runs at a much higher rpm, and it seems to like being in tow/haul mode when I pull (duh).

I’ve got two more deserts before climbing the mountains to learn more, but so far so good.