Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Ramblings from the body shop

This morning a car was rolled out from the paint booth, a new Mustang done in chartreuse. It looked great but on closer examination is was gold-flaked, which added a tremendous amount of appeal to the color. Gawd was it beautiful.

Then the guys began taping it up for a racing stripe. Grown, oh no that will mess it up. Everyone in the shop agreed. They hate doing it but the customer wants it. The big black swipe down the middle from the front to the back. I’ll see it tomorrow.

The guys began work on my rig at 4 PM today: they removed the offending sheet metal. Progress.

I met up with Ken and Jo, friends from Yakima, for some beer and talk. We’ve been on the road together for a few years but never quite managed to meet up until now. They showed me pictures of my brother’s retired chair at the tavern, which is decorated really nicely and which only I can sit in. Well, I can imagine a number of folk sitting in it now and then, but it will be special for me.

Warm here, 80 degrees.