Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Good Travels Dave and Kathy

My friends Dave and Kathy will be on the road this weekend, and I have to mention what they’ve done for me this summer.

We spent a week at Point Hudson, which is always nice except smoke kept the visibility low. And, we hung out for a while at the SKP park.

I had a rather large number of dinners with them, Kathy being an excellent cook and Dave good on the grill. So thanks for the dinners, guys.

Then there were the rides I needed to get my heart problem fixed up. And they were there when I got out of the hospital and needed some help.

Oh anyway, I had a helluva summer, which is ending in the best possible way, and my friends D and K had a huge amount to do with it.

Thanks, guys. Now let’s get back on the road…..