Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

To Portland tomorrow

Sutherlin is pretty and quiet, but it’s not very exciting. Roseburg has plenty of services, but generally speaking timber towns don’t offer much.

The reason for going to Portland (I’ll be parked at the Jantzen Beach RV park) is a wedding on Saturday night. The second reason is to mine Powells Books, “the biggest book store in the world” or some such nonsense. And I need a trailer tire, so I’ll be busy but it will be sales-tax free. I can get used to that, along with gas station attendants handling the pumps and washing my windshield.

Then I pull out on the 28th for points south. I’m not decided on my route yet, but the idea is to get a green chili cheeseburger as quickly as possible, be there for the chili harvest in Hatch, and catch the sandhill cranes coming in for their winter roost. With a careful eye towards the north and the coming winter.