Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Advantages of being a leaseholder

I needed to repair a teak railing for my boat and lacked a good wood glue and clamps. So I went down to the shops and looked around. There are three shops: auto/mechanic, wood, and landscaping. Any tool of any kind you saw in high school shops (do they do that anymore?) is there, help yourself. Nice. I found some glue and clamps and got my railing fixed in no time.

After an excellent week of sun and warm, unsettled air moved in today, likely bringing cooler temperatures and some drizzle. The local farms are bursting with greens, the colors of flowers continues to change every day, and I saw the first goldfinches today. Seed eaters; the bug-eating swallows are moving north if they haven’t built a nest. For June, the weather has been way above average here.