Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Patterson, California

I’d never heard of it, either. I drove through the valley (I cannot figure out why we need so many almonds) and ended up here at a real nice, but pricey RV park. My experience in roaming the country has taught me two things: (1) Stay for free in the desert and (2) but save your money because you’ll need it in California.

Patterson is in a pretty part of California, huge vistas and this time of year pretty green hills populated with happy cows, nicely situated up next to that most important California asset, Interstate 5. The town, if there really is one, seems to filled with very large concrete buildings of an industrial nature. It’s flat here so the perspective is bad, and the air is typical CA so I can’t make out details. I’m guessing industrial-scale chickens or turkeys, but it could be hardware distribution. Maybe it’s a google server farm. Giant concrete buildings with no markings, who knows?

Outdoors it’s chickens, beef, alfalfa, citrus, and grapes. And almonds. (Why do we need so many almonds?)

What did I hear the other day? 75% of the US’s food comes from the valley. And then there’s the almonds. Why do we need so many almonds?

Tomorrow it’s Sacramento, to see my friends Howie and Norah.