Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Pot: The Sessions Letters

Jeff Sessions sent letters to the governors of Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and Alaska (the four legal marijuana states) critiquing their states’ marijuana laws and programs. The intent of the letters was to plant a stake in the ground concerning the DOJ’s position on the matter.

You can find the letters from Sessions, and the responses at the Cannabist if you’re interested in the government language. All the governors and their AGs pointed out that the Session letters were based on, and filled with, obsolete, inaccurate, and proven erroneous data. They all suggested he get more up to date information before attempting to change policy. In other words, he was full of bullshit.

They pointed out while things were just getting started and there were some problems appearing, they had responded well to them and were continuing to make adjustments. All agreed that despite what they thought at first about cannabis, they’d much prefer the current system rather than revert back to what it was.

The letter from Washington state pointed out:

State and federal prohibition of marijuana failed to prevent its widespread use, which was generating huge profits for violent criminal organizations. The people of Washington State chose by popular vote to try a different path.

Or, “the war on drugs was a screw-up, and our citizens decided they had a better way.” These letters are the opening gambits from both sides, establishing the basic rules of the game to be played if anyone wishes to play it.

I’d guess this is the last we’ll hear from either side for a while, then California will be one of the five legal states Sessions will have to talk to.