Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

My Bike: Maybe at it’s end?

I bought my bike for $25 here in the SKP park, 5 years ago, and then trashed it up a bit. It’s purpose was to serve for my first Burning Man, then I figured the playa dust and alkali would eat it up and I’d toss it. It survived my first BM, so I dragged it around in the back of my truck, subject to whatever weather I was in. And three more Burning Mans.

Each year things got a bit looser; the crank and the axles mainly. This year at Burning Man I was watching for ball bearings to come pouring out of the crank. Yeah, I know, some grease and some tools I could have fixed that right up. But you don’t fix a BM bike. Or maybe I should give it a shot?

Parks and Recreation here in Port Townsend operates The Recyclery, where donated bikes, teenagers, and tools come together where you get a bike if budget matters more than style. They also have containers of parts, which I might be needing if I decide to repair.

I’ll take a look at their parts, but maybe just look through their junk-pile to see what I can find in a new bike…..