Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Legalization on the November Ballot

Four states have cannabis legalization questions on the ballot this fall: Arizona Arizona has the most robust and successful medical marijuana program in the nation, and polls suggest the initiative will pass this year. Given the way the medical system is built, it will be almost an instantaneous switch to full legalization once it passes. Montana Voters have two questions to decide: One is a constitutional amendment to set the legal age for...

Legal and Illegal States

Activity on the cannabis status has been slowed considerably by the virus as regulatory agencies reinvent how they do work, and electioneering efforts ground to a halt. But activity has recently picked up so I expect I'll be commenting on things more frequently. I assembled a couple of lists of the basics as an overview of the present situation: All of the legal states achieved legalized marijuana for use by any adult via voter-approved...