Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

High from Seattle

I got a haircut the other day. And I'm not in Seattle, just nearby. If I have any readers that rely on Fox for their TV news (I hope not), Seattle is not falling under the control of the mythical antifa. It is real life Seattleites living on Capitol Hill that took over the police precinct after the cops realized they were outnumbered and left it. The antifa thing is really interesting. A family on excursion in their old school bus in Forks...

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Now, I know my radical christian friends actually think Dear leader is a man of faith, but for those gobsmacked by his recent theatrics in front of the church don't miss Sarah Cooper's take on his thinking. Anywhere on social media. Isn't there even a single mature person in the WH that can tell him he's doing really stupid things?

PT Opening

Port Townsend opened up today. Retail is open, with limits, and restaurants have severe limits. The idea is to not attract tourists into a tourist town. Most important was my barber shop was open and I made an appointment for next week. There were sails on the bay today, something I haven't seen this year. It was tough to find a parking place downtown. The Port called me to cancel my reservation at the RV park on Point Hudson, which I expected...