Marty's Travels

My house has wheels

Pot: Oregon

The state is accepting applications for the various licenses for legal cannabis. Jackson County (Ashland) is likely the most prolific grow location in the state. They estimate 3,000 grow operations in the towns, no one knows how many are in the country. Let's say 1,000, making a total of 4,000. Almost all are entitled to apply for a legal license (fees run $1,563), and will be expected to comply with regulations (about $250,000 for a small...

Pot: Paying WA state taxes by cannabis companies

Ever so quietly, businesses in the cannabis game have been accepted by banks and credit unions, so can now use those accounts to pay their Washington state taxes. The state is rapidly closing in on $1 million per day in tax revenues, and they were getting tired of dealing with nearly $30 million a month in 5s, 10s, and 20s. Since the banks are now helping, the state announced they will no longer take cash for tax payments. No doubt it's the...


Those with heart ailments are given a supply of nitro glycerin, to be taken when angina (heart pain) comes on. I went through a controlled simulation to verify that it works for me, but have never had to take any since. I noticed that my stash had expired, so ordered up a new batch. These are rather serious pills, and I wanted to dispose of the expired pills properly, so I took them to Walgreens when I picked up my other prescriptions. I...

Hay Fever

I've been hit hard with hay fever this year, runny nose and burning eyes. Our local radio station announced last week that grass pollens were the culprit, and a large portion of folk around here are feeling it. It's lasted over a week now. My truck is now leak free and has a new radiator. I'm hoping I can stay away from the shop until I can get that paid off. The weather has been quite pleasant overall, the rhodies are blooming which is always...