Erin Karth did a wonderful job of researching the Flannerys in the Chicago area, and provided a great website to publish that work. When she became unable to maintain her site, she donated her pages to The Flannery Clan in Dublin. After some delay, those pages are now back online for those researching their family history in that area.

For the most part, the data on these should be treated as a finding aid, so it's expected further research will be required should you find someone of interest here. Additional information on your family might be found by contacting The Flannery Clan, and you should certainly consider donating your results to them as an aid to others.

The web administrator is unable to address specific questions about this data, though I will gladly accept comments on your experience using these pages. Both The Clan and the web administrator are grateful for Erin's contribution, and acknowledge we are unable to reproduce these pages at the same level of quality and attractiveness of Erin's original work.

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